We don’t know what is going to happen with this virus or world events, but because we have a God who is able…we have resumed our regular worship in our sanctuary at 10:15 am.
We do know that God is still in control of this universe. I’m asking you to pray now. We pray everyday at 10 am. Pray constantly without ceasing for God’s intervention in all situations.
Our Church Council discussed our plans for online worship. We are continuing to video tape worship and put it on our website and Facebook. We have online worship up and going on Facebook and our website, newhpch.com. We will keep in touch with the congregation often by email, text, and regular mail to keep them and you updated.
Stay encouraged and don’t lose hope. We have an opportunity to show the love of Jesus and the hope we find in Him. When things are darkest, that’s when the light of Jesus shines brightest.
Youth and Children’s Sunday School 11:00 AM
Click on the link:
Baptism: Help kids explore the mystery By Laura BuchananAdult Sunday School 9:00 AM
Here are reasons why we do….
- Because we love the Word and want to Grow. …
- Because You want your kids to come to Christ and grow in Him. …
- Because God has gifted us with Pastors and Teachers. …
Please join us at 11:00 AM for Sunday School
We are having “Zoom” Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7 pm.
Call our office so that we can send you an invitation link. All are welcome…Join us…765-649-1892
The link below will take you to our Facebook page to join a support group that is ” in person” at our church.